The no.1 entrepreneur killer

How To Avoid The No.1 Entrepreneur Killer

From the desk of Nathshapes

Subject: How To Avoid The Single Biggest Entrepreneur KILLER

I’m guessing that you’ve heard the term:

“Expectations, lead to disappointments”


Everyone is told that they must:

“set high goals.”

“If you aim for the moon and miss, at least you’ll land amongst the stars.”

We’ve heard it all before.

But when the realisation kicks in that the amount of work required to actually achieve these wild and ambitious goals, people feel like they’re underachieving.

They get hit with the realities of just how difficult the big and wild goals really are.

Then they quit.

And get a pat on the back from mummy for trying.

So what is the No.1 Entrepreneur Killer??


Expectations that kill more entrepreneurs on their pursuit to success.

All because their expectations were out of whack.

They expected that they could achieve these wild goals in no time, with no effort.

They UNDER-estimated how much effort, stress, resources and time it takes to build wildly successful businesses.

I’m all for having big dreams, but I have a better approach that I’m about to share with you.

Focus on the next 12 months.

That’s it.

Not what you want to achieve in 10 years.

Not who you want to be in 5 years.

BUT The next 1 year.

But the thing with your first 12 months is that you should expect NOTHING but lessons in your first 12 months.


You might make some sales in your first year, by having some small products that you’ve thrown together.

That’s fine, but it’s not going to be anything substantial.

And you should expect this to be so.

Once you have the mindset that the first year will not be a money year, but a learning year,

You won’t feel like you’re underacheiving.

You won’t feel like “it’s too hard.”

You won’t feel like “You’re not getting anywhere.”

Every day, every setback, every road bump, any sales, any wins, are ALL


Take notes along the way.

Expect absolutely nothing but lessons in your first 12 months.

This is much more realistic expectation.

So you won’t be disappointed and quit like the rest of the failed wannabe entrepreneurs who don’t have the balls to stick it.

Nothing but lessons in your first year.

It’s a bonus if you make a few £.

Just don’t expect it and you won’t be disappointed.

Your man,



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