Simple Men Blog interview

Simple Men Blog. Masculinity and Selling digital products

From the desk of Nathshapes

Subject: An interview with Simple Men Blog

We get into the importance of Masculinity and how starting an online business, and selling digital products has changed Simple Men’s Blog life.

Nath: Please can you introduce yourself, online you have an anonymous profile, do you want to share your name? No problem if not.

Simple Men: Hey brother. For now, my name is Simple Man. I'm slowly leaving anonymity behind but it'll take a while before I share my real name.

I'm 25 years old and am Colombian of Spanish heritage, based in Colombia at the moment since I'm starting a company here. 

Nath: So you own Simple Men Blog, can you tell us a little bit of the background? How, when and why you started it?

Simple Men: Absolutely. I started this project in April 2021.

Up until that point I had been consuming conservative content for many years but had never had the guts to add my voice to the fight for the truth.

It was after watching a video by political commentator John Doyle that I finally accepted that I couldn't just be a spectator, watching the world demonize us who hold traditional values, vanquish God from society, and lead young men down a path of hedonism, depression, and vice.

I decided to add my voice to the fight and Simple Men Blog was born.

Nath: Where do you see yourself taking the Simple Men blog brand?

Simple Men: I want this brand to be the number one brand when it comes to masculine self-improvement.

I want to be a brand that gives a voice to the young men out there that feel lonely, lost, and isolated.

I want to give them resources to improve their lives and give them a place where they can learn how to be men and kings in their own lives. I'm currently building an actual online community of young men to hold each other accountable, lift each other up and become men together.

It's called Kings Academy and hopefully, it will become a massive group filled with men of honor, striving to improve every day.

Eventually, I want to take this out into the real world, but we'll talk about that later ;)

Nath: Why do you think it’s important to promote masculinity?

Simple Men: There's only one message that young men are seeing and it's that masculinity is toxic.

When all you are told is that you're toxic by nature, you end up believing it, and even worse, becoming exactly that.

Young men need a message of strength, honor, and masculinity that calls them to properly connect with their masculine nature.

What the world needs the most are masculine men.

Nath: What’s one of the most occurring issues with Men that you come across?

Simple Men: Lack of guidance and support.

I get emotional even writing about this but it's just such a terrible thing to notice how many boys and young men exist completely alone, without a masculine figure to lead them and teach them how to confront what is at times a very dark world.

I have talked face-to-face with many young followers, and it's evident that they are good boys with lots of potentials, but nobody has told them how to develop their potential.

Nobody has shown them support, and nobody has held them accountable to become the best they can be.

Something as simple as a kind word and a bit of advice goes a long way, I've found.

Nath: How do you help them to resolve it?

Simple Men: I just listen to them, and I tell them how they can start improving their lives.

This is usually something simple, along the lines of lifting weights, praying, reading, and so on.

But like I said, there are many men that haven't had this sort of guidance from an older, masculine figure and they appreciate it greatly and they understand it fully when it comes from a man that has walked a similar path and struggled with a lot of the things they are struggling with.

Nath: Is Simple Men your only source of income? If so, when did that happen? How did it feel when
did you go all in?

Simple Men: It is not. I also own a startup that pays me a salary.

So at the moment, I'm running two businesses: The Simple Men project and a tech/health sector startup.

However, it was my only source of income for a couple of months since I actually quit my 9 to 5 last year to go full-time into this page.

Eventually, I founded this other startup, but for a while, it was all about Simple Men.

It felt great honestly, I felt like I was in complete control of my destiny, my financial future, and most importantly, my time.

I always have said that there's nothing wrong with having a regular job, but I believe you shouldn't stop trying to build something of your own that is more profitable, more fulfilling, and allows you to live a more free life.

Nath: Can you help us to understand the work that’s required in building an online business?

Simple Men: Consistency. Posting content daily. Iterating and learning what works and what doesn't.

In the beginning that's all you need, not massive amounts of time.

You just need to commit to it and be willing to keep building even when you don't see any results.

It took me a year to earn my first dollar online, and only 4 months to quit my job after that. 

Nath: How has having an online business affected your life?

Simple Men: 100% positively.

I have become a much better man, I have found a creative project that I love, I feel like I'm making a difference and helping young men all over the world, and I have also become financially free.

One of the best decisions I ever made was to start Simple Men Blog in April of 2021.

Nath: Do you think more money can bring more happiness?

Simple Men: Yes and no. I think it's important to always be looking to grow, and that includes growing in business and financially.

In that constant pursuit of growth, there is happiness and satisfaction. But I don't believe money is the main source of happiness.

The main source of joy is and will always be God.

A poor man is not poor if he has God in his life, and a rich man can be very poor if he has not accepted God into his life.

Nath: What advice would you give to someone getting started in their online business journey?

Simple Men: Just START.

Stop waiting weeks for a logo, for a design, for a business name.

Stop spending weeks building a detailed business plan.

Stop making excuses and simply put yourself out there.

I wasted many years "planning". Results only came after weeks and months of consistent, dedicated ACTION.

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with us.

Where can people find you online and your products?

Simple Men: you can follow me on socials here: Instagram:



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