How to get anything you want

How To Get Anything You Want

From the desk of Nathshapes

Subject: Taking is your new way of life.

Too many times I have people asking me:

“Nath, How to do this?”

“Nath, How to do that?”

My answer is bold and clear:


Stop seeking my permission.

And don’t seek anyone else’s either.

Instead of: “Can I have a pay rise?”

Go and Get a pay rise!

How do you get a pay rise?

Find a job that will pay you more.

Make yourself more valuable to your employer.

How do you make yourself more valuable to your employer?

1] Make them money

2] Save them money

3] Save them time

Or any combination of the three.

Instead of: “How do I get a 6-pack and massive arms?”

Go do some sit-ups and lift some heavy shit.

Everyone is looking for that One thing.
Hoping that the one thing will give them the answer.

The answer is in the doing.

Go and Do the work.

I had a friend who wanted a job in a retail shop. She went for an interview and the employer said “They would be in touch.”

She heard nothing back for three days and started to worry that she hadn’t got the job.

I said: “Ring them up, tell them who you are and you’re wondering if anybody has taken the position yet.”

I continued: “Better yet, go into the store, find the person who did your interview, and ask them to their face.”

You have to be ruhtless with what you want.

Don’t wait for them “get in touch.”

Be the one that shows up every single day to take the position.

Guess what happened…

She rang up and went into the store.

You’re damn straight she got the job.

How about this:

Two of you are going to a job interview.

You’re both equally qualified for the role.

Neither of you has a better or worse interview.

You both have an equal chance of getting the job.

Yet, you ring up every day asking about the job, or even better, you show up every day asking about it.

You’re persistent in your desire to get the job.

You show clear signs of really wanting the position.

Who do you think has a better chance of getting the job?

That’s right.

Be that person, in all areas of your life and you’ll get so much more out of it.

You have to go and take things.

I do this ALL the time.

At every hotel I check in to, I’ll be very nice to the person checking me in.

I’ll usually pay them a compliment on their style.

Then I’ll ask them for any complimentary upgrades.

By asking for ANY complimentary upgrades, I set the bar low.

Instead of asking for a room upgrade, which is probably the most costly to the hotel.

They think I’m a nice person and want to help me out IF they can.

[That’s the other thing, not everyone is in the position to give you complimentary upgrades.

You should seek out the hotel manager for this and be just as nice to them too.]

The reason I pay the staff compliments on their style is that the concept of reciprocity kicks in.

Basically, reciprocity means that when you give someone something, they feel that they should return the favour.

So unless you’re showing up to the hotel with a box of gifts like a weirdo,

The best you can do really is to be a genuinely nice person and pay them compliments.

And because you set the low bar by asking for ANY complimentary upgrades and not the most expensive upgrade, reciprocity should kick in a little bit because you’re genuinely a nice person, and they might want to be nice back to you and give you a free breakfast or free bottle of champs.

Or, they might not.

But you’ll be surprised at how much more value you can get out of life by taking things instead of waiting for it to come to you.

Stop waiting. Start taking.

Your man,



The no.1 entrepreneur killer