How Selfishness Will Make You MORE Money

From the desk of Nathshapes

Subject: SELFISHNESS Is The Key. But helping others is important too…

How Being SELFISH Will Make You More Money but Helping others is the secret sauce.

It works like this:

  • I know what I want

  • I let nothing get in my way

  • And I'll continue to keep pushing until I do more

Notice something in those three sentences above?

It's all about Me.

I'm focused on myself.

I don't allow myself to spend a second thinking about what anybody else is doing.

I'm tunnel visioned on my outcomes.

My ideals.

When you accept that the rest of the world is selfish. Nobody cares about you, you can start to focus more on what you want.

But if you're caught up in what others think of you, how people might portray you, how they might treat you,

You're giving way too much of your energy to other people.

Your energy is precious.

You should only spend your energy on you, and you only.

This is your life.

You're supposed to live it on your own agenda.

Not by what other people think you should be doing.

None of your life has got anything to do with anybody else.

And vice versa.

Nobody else's life has got anything to do with you.

Stop poking your nose is other people's business.

Their life is not your concern.

Too many people cringe at the idea of wanting to share their deepest desires with others,

Then don't do it!

They don’t care anyway.

If you tell someone your plans,

They might say "Wow I'm so happy for you!"

Then in their mind, they start matching up their plans with yours.

They start comparing their life to yours.

They start to wonder what their life might look if you do achieve your dreams.

They care more about themselves in comparison to you.

They're not truly happy for you.

They secretly hope you don't achieve them because they would hate to see you be more successful than them.

These are facts.

Everyone is out for themselves.

Everyone is trying to outwork and become more successful and to have more status than you.

No problem.

Let them try.

It's got fuckall to do with you and your desires.

NOW is the time to stop thinking and caring about what other people are doing (which isn't much anyway.)

And more on what you can do to live your ideal life.

Spend some time on your own.

Get consistent with your daily habits.

Give it some time and you'll start to see that you're the only one who matters.

Note* This doesn't mean that you shouldn't help other people.

Wait, I'm contradicting myself, aren't I?


Helping other people should help you build what you want.

Helping other people should help YOU.

In my business, I currently have 4 members of staff.

I help them become who they want to be by giving them the roles they want to have.

In return, they make me the money I need to live my life how I like.

By helping people realise their dreams, the repayment is that I get to realise mine.

It’s a fact of life, the more people you help, the more they will help you.

Either directly, or indirectly.

There’s a quote that I believe to be true, and it goes like this:

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”

I can’t remember off the top of my head who said it, Google it.

But yes, I believe the quote to be true.

If you want to go far, you need people.

And why would anybody ever help you build your dream life?

Because you’re giving them what they want first.

it’s a win FOR BOTH OF US.

With this blog and my podcast, I help men become more courageous in their efforts towards making money.

In return, I make money from it.

You won’t make a penny if you don’t help anyone.

That’s the real “secret”

When you find people who need help and you can help with it, You can monetise it.

And you should.

Your man,




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